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Albatros D.Va (O.A.W.) D.6670/17. 

This is the forward leg of the port or left side of the center-section cabane strut of an Albatros D.Va (O.A.W.) that crashed somewhere in the Meuse-Argonne, most likely in October, 1918.  It was found and mailed home at the end of October, 1918, by American Lieut. Leonard G. Strater, CO of Salvage Squad No. 6 of the QuarterMaster Corps assigned to the 29th Infantry Division.  The portion of the serial number that can be seen is "_670" and the only possible aircraft that this could therefore be is D. 6670/17.  Jasta 78b is known to have flown D. 6669/17 so it is possible that this unit also had D. 6670/17.

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